At the invitation of the New Hampshire Endowment for Health, Marnita’s Table selected New Hampshire to receive more than $750,000 in staff time and expertise to catalyze a bottom up, holistic New Hampshire statewide Trustmaking initiative through our proprietary model of Intentional Social Interaction! Through our joint statewide efforts we have now established a broad spectrum of New Hampshirites desire to invest in and sustain a collaborative statewide practice of Intentional Social Interaction.
For the next period of time we will be acting as project managers, continuing to add more voices and IZI leading lights throughout New Hampshire.
About Marnita’s Table
At Marnita’s Table, we seek to close gaps across difference through making Intentional Social Interaction the new pattern for society where Indigenous, people of color, the disenfranchised, the poor, the unheard, the fragile, the LGBTQ+ and anyone who is normally left out of community decision making are automatically included and valued at the policy-making and resource-sharing table. Experts at social capital building, we’ve welcomed over 200,000 people from around the world and around the way to find common ground while breaking bread. In person or online, we bring people together to help support security, significant, belonging, and more inclusive communities where all feel as though they belong and can bring their best.
About Endowment for Health
The Endowment for Health works to improve the health and reduce the burden of illness for the people of New Hampshire, especially the vulnerable and underserved. We envision a future where all people who call New Hampshire their home are happy, healthy and thriving. A future where healthy aging is easy, and every child has what they need to grow to be their best self. A future where differences among our people are welcomed and celebrated. A future where geography and circumstances do not define our wellbeing. A future of hopeful possibilities. Join us.
Find out more at https://endowmentforhealth.org/