Our model of Intentional Social Interaction is designed to transfer to those we serve.
Level One
Intentional Social Interaction For Individuals
Our gateway experience, purely personal and social where participants are encouraged just to meet one new idea or person. Catalyze new relationships. Break down barriers across difference.
Level Two
Intentional Social Interaction For Businesses
Begin building a dialogue when there is a power differential between convener and participants. Bring together a team. Excite the practice of anti-racist inclusion across difference.
Level Three
Focused Conversation
A unique take on the focus group, focused conversation builds reciprocal relationships between those seeking the insight and those providing it. (Also used as Phase 1 of a Concerted Social Action planning session for those whom have a compelling and urgent need to bridge cultures and build relationships rapidly. They will find IZI Level 2 uniquely robust for building rapid and enduring community connections).
Level Four
Concerted Social Action
Multi-Disciplinary, multi-ethnic, multigenerational strategic vision aligning an action-planning process to develop an executable strategic plan designed to measurably address some societal or organizational need.
We seek to catalyze a seismic behavioral shift in Minnesota and beyond creating a “domino effect” of community-based problem solving. Our model of Intentional Social Interaction (“IZI”) is an effective practice that builds sustainable community engagement, leadership and collaboration.
Coming to the ‘Table’ catalyzes authentic and enduring friendships between the powerful and powerless and across sectors and disciplines. These relationships—the valuable social capital incubated–allow a community to come together while driving down disparities and building effective solutions and relationships where before none existed. We’ve welcomed over 200,000 people to the Table since 2005. 38% of all people who attend one three-hour experience report making a significant shift in their ability and desire to connect authentically across difference.
Although Marnita’s Table is a 501(c)(3), 80% of our income derives from organization who hire us. Marnita’s Table provides experienced based solutions. We are experts in:
- Forging Alliances Across Difference
- Catalyzing Community and Collaborations
- Participatory Action Research
- Cross-Cultural Competency Training
- Leadership and Talent Development
- Cross-Cultural Community Engagement
- Social Capital Assessment, Catalyzation & Accrual
- Interactive Conference Design & Management
- Facilitation
- Program Design
- Training Trainers
- Plenary Session Design
- Project Management
- Ideation
- Site Selection
In the last 18 years, we have hosted thousands of IZIs, serving over 200,000 individuals. Each and every IZI achieved specific incubating objectives by qualitative measurement with our clients, convening partners and community allies.