Which party would you rather go to?

Rapid Response Teams

Leveraging IZI to defuse conflict in crises situations.

When the next Charlottesville or Parkland occurs, Marnita’s Table plans to be there within days.

In the face of tiki torches, slurs and hate crimes, imagine a community coming together to break bread and discuss their passions, concerns, and ideas in all their diversity.

IZI gives people a way to feel heard and to hear others, so that a community can come together instead of come apart. Marnita’s Table Rapid Response Teams can build a counter-narrative to the fear and suspicion that divides families and communities when a crisis occurs.

Marnita’s Table aims to raise $200,000, which will fund Rapid Response Teams that can deploy within three days to communities experiencing stress. Rapid Response is an extension of our core work, and is deeply aligned with our core mission.

Is your community in crisis?

We may be able to help. To request Rapid Response Team deployment, please contact us immediately.

Rapid Response Teams can't happen without your support.

In less than 7 weeks Marnita and her team were able to pull together 7 amazing community feasts and Implicit Bias/MicroAggression trainings all around the state in communities where they had never been. Through the feasts and trainings we were able to engage more than 900 community members and workforce development professionals allowing us to build relationships and hear voices not traditionally heard.

Karen Francois

Former Assistant Commissioner, Economic Equity and Opportunity, MN Department of Employment and Economic Development