How to Connect
Please be advised that we may have to change things rapidly in order to protect participants! We are adapting in real time to many challenges that confront our community at this time! We appreciate your patience and support!
If you’d like to receive the codes e-mail [email protected] to receive the link(s) to any conversations you’d like to join! Please let us know the conversation you’d like to join as each code is unique to that Topic!
We ask that you only invite people you trust to be a part of these conversations! Please don’t post publicly the codes! Please follow an IZI best practice! Invite three or four people YOU believe would really enjoy the conversation. That’s how the best conversations are started, peer-to-peer with each of us inviting someone we know across difference to be a part!
About #WeatherTogether
At this time, while some of us have the luxury of being at home, many others are fighting for their lives, for their livelihoods and for the lives of their fellow community members! We created #WeatherTogether! our virtual space for you to have a place to share what you are feeling right now! To share resources and our voices. To give and receive comfort! We will not be scared away from our mission to bring our community together in authentic connection.
#WeatherTogether, VIRTUAL Intentional Social Interactions (IZIs), to help us come together across difference even when we must stay apart! Real conversations! Tips! Tools! Techniques!
We are going to have both large group and small group conversations about what it means to #WeatherTogether as one community at this extraordinary time! Drop in for a minute! Stay the whole time!
Yes! join us from anywhere in the world!
Yes! Your family is welcome! Yes! We love kids, pets, cooking, eating, and generally living fully in our bodies as we are coming together at this difficult time.
Feel free to join us with a meal! We always love to hear what people are eating & cooking! (Please mute while you chew! Even better, please mute whenever you aren’t speaking!)
Please invite someone whom you think would enjoy a little IZI in their life! Especially someone who might be isolated and need some intentional human contact right now!
Got thoughts or questions? e-mail us at [email protected] or [email protected]
Wednesdays @ 6 PM CST
In this virtual space we communicate our perspectives, connect one another to resources and information, and collaborate to fortify the BIPOC community.
Join us for five minutes or stay the whole time.

729 N Washington Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55401 (Map)