Weather Together #28: “Divisive Concepts”

Have you been keeping up with our #WeatherTogether podcast? Available on Apple Music, Spotify, and wherever you listen to your podcast! On our latest episode the team discuss "divisive concepts" laws that are being promoted all...

#WeatherTogether: Heid E. Erdrich

We are so honored to have poet Heid E. Erdrich* with us for this episode of #WeatherTogether. *Heid E. Erdrich is the author of seven collections of poetry. Her writing has won fellowships and awards from the National Poetry Series, Native Arts and Cultures...

#WeatherTogether 20. Race Rebellion

The 20th episode of #WeatherTogether is here. In this conversation we address what it means to be free of state sponsored violence against black and brown people and how each of us can start the work towards intentionally building a healthy and whole community. We are...

MTI Job Opening: Administrative Coordinator

TeamTable is Hiring! MTI Job Opening: Administrative Coordinator The Organization: Founded in 2005, Marnita’s Table is a mission-driven nonprofit consultancy that brings people together across differences​ in order to solve a wide variety of public policy issues our...

Reimagining an equitable and SAFE(R) future

The 11th edition of #WeatherTogether: SAFE(r) edition is now available! In this conversation we address what it means to be free of state sponsored violence against black and brown people and how each of us can start the work towards intentionally building a healthy...

#WeatherTogether Episode 10

We're already at the 10th episode of #WeatherTogether! In this conversation we address what it means to be free of state sponsored violence against black and brown people and how each of us can start the work towards intentionally building a healthy and whole...

Marnita’s Table Community Cast Recap #2! Here are some of the highlights from our weekly community cast following the murder of George Floyd. Join us on Google Meet Wednesday evenings from 6pm-8:30pm CDT if you are interested in being a part of this conversation:...

2019 Year In Review

2019 Year In Review

Youth Cultural Healing Summit, 10/17/19, Carina Lofgren Photography For 15 years, Marnita’s Table has authentically welcomed over 64,000 people to Intentional Social Interaction (IZI)! TeamTable will always remember 2019 as the year we went not just national but...

Costumes and Appropriation

There is a fine line between cultural appreciation and appropriation. When in doubt, you probably shouldn’t wear the thing. There is a lot of great media out there on wearing cultures as a costumes and all the reasons why you shouldn’t. Here is a small sampling and we...

Ramsey County Community Engagement Reportage 2015-2016

As we have grown we have changed some of our processes, including making more and more of our reportage accessible to the public. As an ongoing project we are posting our older reports to increase transparency and the spread of our findings and community feedback. In...

Sticky Stats and Thanks: Healing From Trauma (3/12/2019)

            On March 12th Marnita’s Table and The Catalyst Initiative of the Minneapolis Foundation welcomed a diverse group of community members to Healing From Trauma: Tips & Techniques for Resilience. Only...

Improvements And Updates To Our Processes

As an organization Marnita’s Table mission is to ensure that Indigenous and people of color, immigrants, the disenfranchised, the poor, the fragile, the LGBTQ+, the traditionally unheard and excluded are actively and intentionally included and valued at the...

Guest Blog Post: “Justice” by Emily Griffin-Wetzel

Justice: The administration of law, the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity. and/or The quality of being just, impartial, or fair. Webster dictionary tells us that justice is determined by a set of principles, which in...

Guest Blog Post: “Greed” by Emily Griffin-Wetzel

Greed: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed (money). The Native Americans had a very interesting take on greed. It was viewed as an illness to want more than one needs, for it was a sickness of the soul that poisoned the mind, and they...

Guest Blog Post: “Generosity” by Emily Griffin-Wetzel

Generosity: to be liberal in giving, or to be characterized as a noble or kind spirit. In cultural anthropology, reciprocity serves as the major foundation of any successful, social relationship. Returning a favor or finding equal exchange for goods levels the playing...

You Are Cordially Invited to Energy Empathy Environment

Dear Friends of the Table, Each November for the last nine years hundreds of community stakeholders have gathered to experience the Table’s model of “Intentional Social Interaction” (IZI) and to raise funds supporting our work. To date, the Table has welcomed nearly...

Energy Empathy Environment

“We must be kind and gentle gardeners with people and nature.” – Bryant McGill. In the face of all that is wrong, cynicism seems an easy choice. Corruption in government defines our everyday news, hurricanes batter the southern coastlines one after the other,...

Addressing Systemic Injustice & the Need for Police Accountability, Reform – Charleena & Philando

It took me three days to write about Philando Castile.

Took that long to process the news that yet again, Black American lives would not be deemed worthy of justice; that here in the U.S., our lives can be taken with impunity at any moment, for any reason, or for no reason at all – for going to the corner store for pop (while Black), a “routine” traffic stop (while Black), being in the wrong place (i.e. America) at the wrong time (i.e. the 21st Century) in the wrong skin.

DEED & Marnita’s Table Update!

Today is February 21st, 2017 and tonight is the fourth IZI that Marnita's Table is hosting with the Department of Employment and Economic Development! After three successful IZIs in Bemidji, Worthington and St. Cloud, MN we are excited to host our fourth conversation...

African Diaspora Second Planning Convening

On February 4, 2016, members of the African community in Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center were brought together to express their opinions on what themes and topics they were interested in talking about within the African community related to healing, wellness, and...

Career Fair with CentraCare & Long Prairie Grey Eagle High School

On Friday, April 1st CentraCare-Long Prairie and Long Prairie/Grey Eagle High School came together with Marnita’s Table to host a Career Fair for high school students and community members interested in a new or future career. Community members, educators, families,...